Data from AR_93034_7.ens

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6HAdopted Levels 2002Ti10200212
Published: 2002 Nuclear Physics.
Qβ-=24.27×103 26Sn=3.04×103 981997Au07



Cutoff Date

Full evaluationHu, Tilley, Kelley et Al.Nuclear Physics A708, 3 (2002)23-Aug-2001

The nucleus 6H was reported in the 7Li(7Li,8B) reaction at E(7Li)=82 MeV (2002Ti10) [σ(θ)≈60 nb/sr at θ=10°] and in the 9Be(11B,14O) reaction at E(11B)=88 MeV (1986Be35) [σ(θ)≈16 nb/sr at ≈8°]. 6H is unstable with respect to breakup into 3H + 3n by 2.7 MeV 4 with Γ=1.8 MeV 5 (2002Ti10), and 2.6 MeV 5 with Γ=1.3 MeV 5 (1986Be35). The adopted values are 2.7 MeV 3 and Γ=1.6 MeV 4 (1988Aj01). See also 1987Bo40. The atomic mass excess of 6H using 1997Au07 is 41.86 MeV 26.

However, there is no evidence for the formation of 6H in the 6Li(π-+) reaction at E(π-)=220 MeV (1990Pa25). An analysis of the proton spectra for the 7Li(π-,p) reaction (1990Am04) showed no evidence 6H.

The ground state of 6H is calculated to have Jπ=2-. Excited states are predicted at 1.78, 2.80 and 4.79 MeV with Jπ=1-, 0-, and 1+ (1985Po10) [(0+1)h\ℓω model space, see also for (0+2)h\ℓω calculations]. See additional references cited in 1988Aj01.

6H levels
Elevel  Jπ  T½  Comments

0.0(2-)1.6 MeV 4%n=100; T=2

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